Scott T. Petersen, owner of Golden Street Animation Productions. During production in 2010 we had employees working litterally all around the world. Our main studio headquarters are in Provo, UT and we have a production facility in Manila Philippines, (Golden Street Animation Manila.) We put together a clean up crew in LA to help out on clean up too. For the "True Heroes" project we also gave a few sequences out to a partner studio in Taiwan. Below you can see Photos taken of each of these groups during production including our time in Mexico.
Golden Street Animators on True Heroes. I was first sent to the Philippines by Disney to supervise the animation on Kronk's new Groove in 2004. I've worked with these animators on many shows since and they just keep getting better and better. Thank you for all your wonderful work over the years and especially on our first feature film, "True Heroes".
Romy Garcia is a great animation director for us in Manila during "Heroes." He has had vast experience on a wide range of projects and we thank our lucky stars to have had him with us for this project.
Start of project lecture by Scott
"Start of project" lecture by Scott
Now that is a snap shot of a boat load of talent
Alex is our "special" animator, ha, ha, ha.
What a reunion.
My good friend and excellent animator Dante Clamente. His animation was among the best in the show. We first met when I was sent to the Philippines in 2004 to supervise on Kronk's New Groove. Dante was the Unit director on the show then and we had a lot of fun working together and playing basketball with the crew every Wednsday until I broke my hand one day.
Every wednesday afternoon was basketball practice. There is nothing like basketball in the Philippines. The climate alone was enough to sap the energy right out of you. It's like playing in a sauna. But always a good work out.
Carol and Joanne. Carol ran all things financial and Joanne was our production manager and kept the studio and project flowing smooth and coordinated.
The clean up department lead by Alan Coniconde, pulled off miracles (literally). Thank you Alan.
You wouldn't believe here that Roli just recovered from a heart attach. His Joy is hard to contain (good man).
Airyn, visiting the Manila crew and taking them out to dinner. Vic Santiago also pictured here who did a lot of the needed design work for the tons of incidental characters on True Heroes.
I've worked with Alex and his studio before and they are great people. They agreed to take on some footage also. Thank you Alex and to your crew.
Jared has been a key talent throughout the show and lending his high level skills to our many projects contributing story boards to charcters layouts, designs and his specialty, character animation. Thanks Jared.
This was the first time that I had worked with Ashley Lenz and I was blown away by his talent.
I love this sketch by Ashley, it shows his sence of humor and how hard we all worked to get a whole feature length movie made from rough to final color in just 5 and a half months and three months before that to do all the layouts and character design work. But even with those tight deadlines it was a very successful production of which I am very proud of the parts we made.
Sean Sullivan - helped us in many ways but mostly in Layout and BG design. One of the Best artists that I know.
I met Kevin at Disney working on the Lion King 1 1/2 and we were very fortunate that the timing was right to be able to have an artist of his calliber working for us during True Heroes.
Stephanie Olivieri was our main lead key clean up lead in the States. Based out of LA she supervised the clean up crews there. LA clean up crews also included Rusty Mills, Alex Topete and his team, Jaqueline Sanchez, Terry Wozniak, and Diana LeBost, thank you all for your great work.
Rusty Mills - LA clean up key
Jaqueline Sanchez - LA clean up key
Clean up crew led by Alex Topete
At the start of "True Heroes" we spent 2 months in Mexico doing layouts and character designs and becoming familiar with the show. I took Ashley Lenz and Jared Beckstrand with me. Also contributing layouts for us were more Disney greats such as Sean Sullivan and Kevin Gollaher. Thanks guys.
Cooking a gourme dinner, believe it or not is one of Ashley's great talents. Here he is treating us to a delicious meal. Jaque and Bill who are also here were not part of our crew but were brought on by White Knight before we came on to the show.
Visiting the Natural History Museum in Mexico City was a high light of our visit. Amazing artifacts.
This is some of the White Knight Productions crew.
The location and scenary of the Mexican studio was beautiful.
Jared and I also spent time giving weekly lectures on Drawing and Animation to the White Knight crew who, for most of them were doing full animation for the first time.
A fun night out at a famous Mexican restaraunte the Arroyo. Dinner and a show.
Press photos at the Premiere in Mexico City. These are some of the famous Mexican voice talents for the show.
Press junket and photo shoot (Two main characters)
In the end, "True Heroes" was a great opportunity for all of us to work on something that we loved best and that was traditional animation. It was painful in the fact that White Knight ended up owing us hundreds of thousands of dollars that they are still yet to be paid back. Lots of life lessons learned. Thank you to everyone who took part and especially those artists who really put all they had into it under very difficult circumstances. We are nothing without you. Here's to future success and more projects.
We were so happy to hear the news that Heroes Verdaderos received the "Best Animated Picture" award in Mexico their anual motion picture awards ceremony. Congratulations to all!
The above commercial was another project that we animated for WKP and was a lot of fun to work on.
Reminds you of the Looney Tunes shorts
This 10 min clip shows some of our work on the award winning movie Heroes verdaderos.
The above short film was made to help promote our studio and the quality of work that we are capable of.
The above clip shows some of the rough animation tests during production on Heroes Verdaderos
I like watching the rough animation even more than the finished color.